Time is too precious to not pursue what is meaningful to you.

Feeling unwell or experiencing pain are symptoms of not being able to heal and achieve your aspirations.

You shouldn’t be prevented from enjoying a gratifying Quality of Life.

I Can Guide You Toward a Gratifying Quality of Life

I know how upsetting it is to experience physical pain, anxiety, stress, and feeling unwell. This used to be me- and it held me back from pursuing what was meaningful to me.

Musculoskeletal discomfort, fatigue, brain fog, metabolic syndrome, anxiety, anger, and a depressed mood can be disruptive, even if subtle—all of which can be bothersome despite eating well, exercising, not smoking, and maintaining a healthy body weight.

I have dedicated my professional career to help my clients heal by forging a path to an enjoyable Quality of Life and creating a plan for delaying the onset of chronic conditions. Now I can help you do exactly the same by helping you reach your health and wellness aspirations through my CCMD QOL™ program.

Are You Experiencing These Symptoms Despite Your Best Efforts?

I was in your shoes:

Dr. DePalma and Integrative Health Pioneer, Dr. Andrew Weil

Unexplained symptoms can be confusing and frustrating. I know, I’ve been there. I turned my frustration into action. My training in Andrew Weil’s renowned two year Integrative Medicine fellowship helped me better understand the roots of my symptoms and equipped me with effective, evidence-based strategies to reclaim my health and wellness.

Now, as an expert in this transformative field, I understand that our health isn't determined solely by our genes—we can control our health outcomes. I'm here to guide you through a personalized plan that has already helped others rediscover their energy and zest for life.

If you’re intrigued, please do not hesitate to click the Start Your Program button below. Explore how CCMD QOL™’s unique program can reignite your energy and improve your vitality.


  • "I can’t thank Dr. DePalma and his staff enough"

    I am almost 50. I consider myself very active, working out 4 to 5 times per week doing cardio and weights. I walk my dog twice a day, love to go salt water fishing with my husband, walk golf courses watching my son play, etc. …I have been symptom-free for several months now, and able to resume all of my activities! I can’t thank Dr. DePalma and his staff enough!

    –LT September, 2023

  • Dr. DePalma “…quickly diagnosed my problems and developed a plan."

    Dr. DePalma “…quickly diagnosed my problems and developed a plan to help me regain my life again. He and his staff have always been friendly, caring, and knowledgeable…I feel that they have taken a personal interest in me and my condition.”

    -JJ 2024

  • "Thank you Dr. DePalma for my life back."

    I never thought I would ever walk, travel, play with the grandkids and do the little, every day things people take for granted every day. Thank you Dr. DePalma for my life back. The staff is also wonderful. They have always treated me like family. The whole experience has been more than I ever dreamed it would be.


  • "My first contact with Dr. DePalma generated a great deal of trust in him and his science."

    My first contact with Dr. DePalma generated a great deal of trust in him and his science. After viewing my records, he explained my condition as well as my options in layman’s language. In the words of a colleague, he is “wickedly smart.” Although I bombarded him with questions, he patiently responded to each describing what he could do and not do. His staff was most courteous and helpful. I heartily recommend Dr. DePalma’s diagnostic and treatment process.

    -L.J., PHD

Bridging the Gap

Watch Dr. Depalma’s interview on the well known podcast, Doctors Living Deliberately.

Explore the groundbreaking world of integrative medicine with 'Bridging the Gap,' where Dr. DePalma and fellow forward-thinking physicians Dr. Gupta DePalma and Dr. Hersh explore the value of holistic healing. Dive deep into conversations that transform traditional medical boundaries, paving the way for a new era of wellness.

Connected Coherence MD’s 6 Month Quality of Life Program

Many of us face health challenges that persist despite adopting healthy habits. The subtle, often unnoticed impact of fatigue, stress, and discomfort can significantly erode quality of life. The exclusive six-month CCMD QOL™ program offers personalized, transformative therapeutic guidance to restore your body’s healing regenerative pathways to improve your Quality of Life.

How It Works

  • Step 1: Personal Assessment – Understanding your unique story.

  • Step 2: Customized Health Plan with Biotrackers – Integrative strategies tailored for you.

  • Step 3: Ongoing Support & Adaptation – Regular check-ins and adjustments.

  • Step 4: Empowerment – Equipping you with tools for lifelong health.

Qualify of Life Optimization

The 6-month Connected Coherence MD™ Quality of Life program utilizes research-supported medical and lifestyle methods that will enable you to be more able-bodied and sharp-minded, and to enjoy a gratifying Quality of Life, not to be restricted by chronic medical conditions. Dr. DePalma will guide you toward optimizing how you nourish yourself everyday with small actions that will bring the results you want.

Your Quality of Life will never improve unless you deliberately pursue it.

There is risk in not taking action. By doing nothing you will not reconnect with what is meaningful to you.

Time is our most precious gift. Do not waste it by not optimizing your Quality of Life.

Schedule an introductory call

Start your Program

Enjoy a gratifying Quality of Life


  • Connected Coherence MD™ is not a primary care medical practice. It is a combination of traditional, integrative, and functional medicine to formulate innovative, personalized approaches to achieve optimal health and well-being.

  • The Connected Coherence MD program is a package investment including the technological devices that enrich your transformation in attaining a gratifying Quality of Life.

  • At its core, the Connected Coherence MD program is a holistic journey where traditional medicine meets innovative, personalized approaches to achieve optimal health and well-being. Learn more details on the Program page.

  • Our program pricing is individually created based on our time together and assessment of the best support. At a minimum, there is a 6-month investment in your future.

The Positive Health Impact of Connected Coherence

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    Connected Coherence MD™ provides an integrated pathway to improve your Healthspan and a Cohesive Approach to Wellness

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      Enjoy a Gratifying Quality of Life

      Feel Able-Bodied & Sharp-Minded

      Discover a new understanding of yourself with the Connected Coherence™ Quality of Life Program. Utilizing various innovative modalities, we offer evidence-based solutions for enhanced self-healing and well-being.